Where in America Do People Have the Most One Night Stands?
*Checks flights* *Buys ticket*

Okay, so we know Rihanna isn’t all that into one night stands, but research has proven that casual sex actually has some health benefits, like higher self-esteem and lower levels of anxiety.
So where in America should you high-tail it over to if you want to find like-minded people such as yourself who are pro-one night stand? Why, the good folks at SKYN condoms will tell you, via their Millennial Sex Survey, of course.
We won’t beat around the bush: Missouri cleaned up, with 14% of respondents reporting that they’ve had 11 or more one night stands in their lives—9% even allege they had 15 or more. Good for you Missouri, because I’m not totally sure what else you’ve got going for you, aside from jazz and some pretty sweet arches.
The runner up was South Dakota, where 13% of participants said they’ve loved ’em and left ’em 11 or more times. But if you’re looking for some no-strings attached sex, which state should you avoid like the plague? Utah, where 53% of those surveyed say they’ve never had a one night stand in their life.
Be sure to check out SKYN’s Heat Map to read real time social chatter about sex around the US, and check back for more scintillating data in the days to come.