Porn Stars Weigh in On the Great Squirting Debate

Is squirt just pee, or nah?

At the risk of spoiling it for you, it looks like the jury is still out on one of the greatest debates of recent history. Woodrocket, purveyors of such fine porn parodies asDonald Trampand more, have released their latest video in their series of short films posing questions to porn stars. And really, what better wealth of information than a veteran porn actor to solve nature’s age old mysteries, like “Is squirt pee?”

Answers ran the gamut from yes to no to hell no, with convincing arguments on both sides. Some, claiming to have consumed both pee and squirt, contend that there is a marked flavor difference between the two, with squirt tasting much sweeter. Others who say they’ve done it themselves on camera admit that they were actually just peeing.

The research itself seems equally divided. According to the Independent, “It seems that larger volume fluid emissions, or squirting, are for the most part urine. However, there does appear to be evidence that a smaller volume of fluid is actually female prostate secretion due to mechanical stimulation of the G-spot.” Basically, it’s both.

But perhaps actress April O’Neil says it best: “I don’t know, I don’t care. Whatever makes you feel good, if that happens when you orgasm and it makes you feel better, fucking go for it.”

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