Pornhub isn’t just an online destination for seekers of videos featuring European disco dance floor orgies, it’s a massive skin clip site with a heart. Pornhub has sponsored scholarships, sponsored athletic teams, and gifted the universe with robotic twerking butts. Now the site is making an effort to save BBWs (big beautiful whales). From their safe-for-work page promoting the novel way they plan to help:
World Whale Day is February 13th, so Pornhub has pledged to help save the whales by donating 1 cent for every 2000 videos viewed on the site, from February 8th – 29th to whale conservation efforts. All proceeds will be going to The Moclips Cetological Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the whales through knowledge and conservation based out of Washington. Sperm whales, humpback whales, we love them all! So please help us save the ocean’s gentle giants.
While a penny for every 2,000 videos doesn’t sound like a lot, to be honest, it’s better than nothing, and some of us watch that many on an average day. The oceans thank you.
h/t Seattle PI