These Never-Before-Seen Apollo Mission Photos Will Blow Your Mind

The golden age of American spaceflight has never looked so good.

If you love space as much as we do, rejoice: On Monday, NASA released a huge cache of photographs from the Apollo lunar missions — including the historic Apollo 11 moon landing — flown by NASA between 1961 and 1975. The release is a trove of never-before-scene photos from the heyday of America’s space program.

The 8,400 photographs, captured at 1800 dpi and released on the Project Apollo Archive Flickr account, encompass “every image captured by Apollo astronauts on lunar missions,” Boing Boing observes: “The Apollo astronauts were sent to the moon with Hasselblad cameras, and the resulting prints have been painstakingly restored for contemporary high-resolution screens for this wonderful archival project.”

This is quite the dump of historic photos; captions are sparse on the Flickr page, though the Apollo Archive plans on using Facebook to spotlight historic photographs. Regardless, these high-resolution photos offer a remarkably vivid look at America’s journey to the stars. 

Photos by NASA

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