Members of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy were conducting research in the waters off Cape Cod’s Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge Monday when their camera captured a thrilling sight — a seal shooting up from the deep in a desperate effort to flee a great white shark, the shark hot on its tail. reports that the seal appeared to escape the encounter, but it may have its work cut out for it avoiding other apex predators. The site says Dr. Greg Skormal, working with the Conservancy, has “tagged at least 12 great whites just off-shore since Friday.”
Another seal swimming near the Cape’s Nauset Light Beach a few days ago wasn’t so lucky — beaches were closed after sunbathers witnessed a great white tear a chunk from the seal then spit it onto the sand, where it bled out.
Stay onshore if you head out to any of these beaches soon. At least wear sunscreen. Don’t be a seal.
Craving more adventures in the animal kingdom? See all of our Animal House stories here.
Photos by Education Images/Universal Images Group