The beauty of a one-night stand is right there in the name: one and done. But even though there isn’t a ton of time between the meet and the sheets, there are a million ways to screw up. To keep you from sacking your chances, we talked to women who have had their share of single-serve sex partners, and present the banging man’s code of conduct for wild, one-night-only sex.
Single Horny Female
“I think one-night stands are kind of gluttonous,” says Sophie*, 25. “It’s like sitting down and eating a whole cake.” Want to find that cake inhaler when you’re navigating the scene? Look for signs in the way she acts around you. “When I see a guy I want to sleep with, I touch his arm, say, ‘Excuse me,’ and look directly into his eyes,” says Laila, 27. PDAs are also a green light. Tina, 23, says that if she’ll kiss a guy she just met in front of her friends, she’s more than willing to leave and finish what they started. Also, see how willing she is to ditch her friends. “If I leave my girls at the bar, I’m DTF—no question,” says Sophie. (Somewhere Pauly D is fist-pumping at that revelation.) And just as she’s subtly hinting at it, so should you. “If a guy puts his hand on the small of my back and I’m not comfortable with it, I’ll shy away. But if I’m up for a one-nighter, I’ll reciprocate by touching him back,” says Lori, 25. And when deciding where to get it on, just be practical. “When I’m horny I just want to go wherever is the fastest, most private place we can get crazy—mine or his,” admits Sara, 25.
Make Her an Offer She Can’t Refuse
When propositioning your lady, ask yourself: What would Ryan Gosling do? As Lori says, “It should feel like Crazy, Stupid, Love when Ryan says, ‘Wanna get out of here?’ That charm and casual confidence works.” Amber, 26, got similarly Gosling’d when she met a European businessman at a hotel bar in New York City. After a few drinks he asked her if she wanted to “check out the view” from his room. “He was smooth—plus, in the morning he wouldn’t let me put my clothes on, and we had sex while I was wearing nothing but my heels overlooking Central Park.” A sex move now known as the Central Pork.
Fulfill Her Fantasies
It’s not every day that women opt for a casual screw—so when they do, they want to make the most of it. That means indulging in some naughty fantasies they might be too shy to bring up with someone they’re dating. “I’m always up for something different because I’m never going to see the guy again,” says Amber. “Once I woke up at 5 a.m. with a one-night stand and was still really horny, so I made him watch porn and we copied the moves. I wouldn’t do that with a new boyfriend, but with him I was completely uninhibited.” If you think your one-night lady seems timid to initiate her X-rated desires, look for clues. Does she have a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey on her nightstand? Is there a gimp suit hanging in her closet? Or just ask. “The hottest one-nighter I’ve ever had was with a guy who threw me down and said, ‘I’m going to do anything you tell me to,’ ” says Ann, 28. “I ended up handcuffed to the headboard. It was so hot!”
Know When To Leave
Even if you’re going for round two when you wake up, don’t get too intimate. “Cuddles and forehead kisses from a stranger weird me out,” says Lori. And skip breakfast. “There’s no need to make me pancakes. I’d rather head to brunch with my friends and recap the tale,” she adds. Exchanging numbers is a common courtesy, but chances are you both know this was a one-night thing. But beware: Telling the girl you just put your penis in that you don’t want her info may be off-putting. Keep it subtle by simply not asking for it. And don’t “friend” her on Facebook: She already got one poke from you—and that’s all she needs.
Photos by Carlos Nunez | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2013