Until the glorious age of easy internet access to porn, there was—let’s face it—kind of a stigma attached to loving it. People who really enjoyed skin flicks and porn mags sometimes felt compelled even into adulthood to hide their stuff from prying eyes. Now porn is just a click and b.s. age verification away, and this has brought more attention to problems related to triple-x consumption, such as being a little too into it.
If you’ve ever worried or perhaps even been told that your enjoyment of porn has crossed a line at some point but don’t know how to gauge the difference between healthy and compulsive, researchers at a Hungarian university have you covered. With a straightforward and easily-scored test, you can find out whether you’ve actually got a problem or not.
The researchers indicated they found a clear line that marks the boundary between healthy solo time viewing and something that’s over the line. They crafted the questions on this test to zero in on the porn users’ response to it and how they may feel when they can’t have it.
Write down your score number for each question—1 for “Never” to 7 for “All the time”—and total them at the end.
As the image indicates, a score of 76 or above means it might be time to check yourself—according to this study of what constitutes healthy porn usage from a Quebec institutions, that high test score may indicate the taker is “at-risk” or compulsive.
Everything that pushes that reward button in our brain carries with it the potential to be a little too damn rewarding for some. Booze and drugs get all the publicity when it comes to addressing such problems, but it makes sense to consider porn as well. While it’s clearly pretty healthy when used in moderation no matter what some “experts” say, it’s always a good idea to wash those spare socks and do something different every now and then.
h/t Elite Daily