This Soldier Who Lost His Leg in Iraq Posted a Powerful Message About Muslims

What this wounded British soldier wrote may surprise you. 

You’d expect a British soldier who lost his leg to a bomb made by Islamic militants to share the anti-Muslim sentiment that is running high in the west after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. But recently, Chris Herbert — whose life-changing loss was the result of a bomb blast in Basra, Iraq — took to Facebook to challenge the prevailing climate of fear in Europe and abroad.

Herbert’s message against hate went viral, with well over 160,000 shares and notice from celebrities like Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. And it makes sense that it did, if you read closely: his argument that “Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daesh and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church” has an undeniable logic to it. 

Herbert is handling his message’s popularity with good humor, penning a funny Facebook status the day after his post went viral he created an imaginary conversation with a friend about his day:

‘What happened yesterday?’

-Well I posted an angry rant because an Islamophobic group tried to recruit me as a poster boy, and it went a bit mad!’

‘So what have you done today?’

-Woke up, walked the dogs, and put on gamefilm, I have a game on sunday and they don’t care if I went viral!’



You don’t have to agree with this hero vet’s sentiments to see that he’s one of the good guys, and worthy of respect for speaking up and saying his piece. 

Photos by Chris Herbert / Facebook

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