Would You Trade Your Sperm for an iPhone 6s?

This medical center in China wants you to do just that.

Every day, humanity gives us yet another reason to stand up and applaud our species’ collective entrepreneurial spirit. Apparently, medical professionals in China are all too aware of the growing trend of selling organs to afford Apple’s coveted tech. And now, a sperm bank in Shanghai wants to offer its citizens another option that involves neither invasive surgery nor the black market.

Shanghaiist reports that the sperm bank, associated with Renji Hospital, is dolling out rewards of 6,000 RMB, the exact price of the iPhone 6s, for donations of the jizz variety. 

But like anything in life, there’s some fine print. You must be disease free, at least 5’4″ tall, and have a college degree to cash in on your swimmers (read: no scrubs). The hospital is being incredibly transparent with their not-so-subtle scheme, advertising “No need to sell your kidneys — you can easily have a 6s,” on their website, according to Cult of Mac.

Steve Jobs has further cemented his place as a true visionary — by playing midwife to an entire generation of Chinese babies.

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