A Swedish Politician Wants To Give People ‘Paid Sex Breaks’ During the Work Day

Sure beats a K-cup.

Office Sex Promo
Photo: Getty Images

A heroic Swedish town council member has proposed that workers in his town of Övertorneå get paid to take an hour-long break each day and head home for some afternoon delight, according to Swedish newspaper The Local. 

City councillor Per-Erik Muskos’ rationale behind the bold proposal is multi-faceted. Sex has been proven time and time again to have both physiological and emotional benefits, but it also would help address his town’s problem with “reduced population and the deficit of births,” as the Huffington Post reports. 

“This means that childbirth should be encouraged,” he wrote in the motion. “When sex is also an excellent form of exercise with documented positive effects on well-being, the municipality should kill two birds with one stone and encourage employees to use their fitness hour to go home and have sex with their partner.”  

Logistically, Muskos’ idea wouldn’t be that difficult to implement, as Swedish employees are already granted an hour each day for fitness. In Muskos’ mind, people might as well just use that hour to have sex, as the Huffington Post notes. 

Muskos told The Local that he didn’t see a reason for the motion to not pass, because there’s “no way to verify that employees do not use their hour for other purposes than spending time with their partners or spouses.”

“You can’t guarantee that a worker doesn’t go out for a walk instead,” Muskos said, then suggesting employers trust their employees.

These “sex siestas” are not only a great idea, but it sounds a lot easier than trying to scope out the perfect spot to do it in the office. 

Per-Erik Muskos, we might think you have a weird name, but we stand behind you.

h/t: Bro Bible 
