For some folks, the idea of “getting away from it all” means turning their business phone to vibrate for a few hours after work. For others, it means literally finding the most remote possible place on the planet to hunker down and decompress for several days.
It’s with this latter set in mind that designer Andrii Rozhko created the concept for an ultra secluded hotel in the alps that clings tenaciously to the side of undulating, stratospheric cliffs.
Yes, of course the combination of extreme location and contemporary design make it look like the perfect place for a Bond baddie to set up shop. But having “hotel” in its name kinda implies that they’d actually be ferrying multiple guests to stay nestled amongst the rugged terrain.
Because Rozhko didn’t supply any sort of background about his motivation or any of the interior design details, much is left to the imagination. But assuming it’s not actually built for merely hosting supervillain conventions, it does look like just the kind of amazing place we’d like to visit.
h/t: HiConsumption