The Swiss Café Offering Oral Sex With Coffee May Use Robots
Who isn’t down for a little mechanical sex with their latte?

Imagine walking into a coffee shop and ordering a decaf, some pound cake, and a hummer. Not the car, the sex act. That was the promise of the Fellatio Café in Geneva, Switzerland.
Fellatio Café wanted to let customers choose their brew then noodle through photos on an iPad till they found a sex worker whose lips fit the bill. Unfortunately, it looks as though they may not be able to completely fulfill their promise. But it’s OK, they have a backup plan: robots.
English-language Swiss outlet The Local reports that if the establishment opens at all, it faces some pretty sticky legal complications using flesh-and-blood humans in its plan, even though prostitution is legal in Switzerland. Sex services are not allowed in establishments that sell drinks or provide “catering.”
So Bradley Charvet of Facegirl, the company behind the whole idea, told Le Matin that his company may instead provide sexy robots to handle the oral. To that end, he’s in touch with an American company that provides $1800-$3000 silicone-skinned lifelike androids. Charvet even believes he can keep the price for the whole deal—60 francs—the same.
Le Matin asked Ms. Lisa, who runs an erotic massage outfit in Geneva, about the idea of using robots, and in French she termed the idea “pretty funny” but insisted “nothing can replace human touch.”
Charvet admitted to the Swiss paper that the idea was perhaps “too much,” and could be “scary” to some.
While some theorists believe robot-human sex might just be a regular thing by 2050, we have to admit Ms. Lisa has a point. But maybe it would work if they used these “ladies”?