From the $455 million “Bubble House” to the ultra-angular Klein Bottle House, there are plenty of architecturally amazing super-homes already in existence. But a Netherlands-based company is quite literally breaking new ground with their mind-blowing designs for crazy cliffside concept houses.
Founding members of the Open Platform for Architecture have devised what they’ve dubbed the “Terra Matter Trilogy,” which consists of three state of the art structures embedded built the edges of cliffs and gradients, rather than the usual boring above-ground abodes.
The company’s co-founder Laertis Vassiliou told CNN that underground architecture has existed since the medieval times and longer, and also described the many benefits.
The ambitious designs would provide natural thermal insulation from the earth and protection against potentially harmful environmental factors such as UV Rays.
Check the extraordinary renderings of Casa Brutale, The Plinthe, and The Holy Cross in the gallery above, and prepare to be awestruck.