These People Actually Mistook a Vibrator For a Bomb
What a time to be alive.

During a pleasant evening stroll last Wednesday, a resident of the northern Italian town of Modena called the police after hearing a suspicious buzzing sound coming from a public recycling bin, fearing it was a bomb. I mean, what else could the source of a scary buzzing sound like that be?
According to The Local Italy, police promptly shut down the entire street of via Viterbo and cordoned off a 650-foot radius around the recycling bin for authorities to investigate, but all they found was a lonely old sex toy that was buzz-buzz-buzzing away, calling for its owner. Ah, the perils of improperly discarded vibrators.
Apparently, the ex-owner of the not-a-bomb vibrator hadn’t removed the batteries before throwing it away (bad recycling!), and the sex toy somehow turned on by its lonesome in the recycling bin, alarming residents, and creating a “buzz” worthy situation. *cue forced laughter*
R.I.P. little vibrator. At least it had its fifteen minutes of fame.