Pornhub Has Just Unleashed A Free Virtual Reality Porn Channel
Get ready for some decidedly NSFW, 360-degree content.

Here at Maxim, we’ve seen people watch it, film it, and we’ve even partaken in the experience ourselves. And now, we’re pleased to announce that the reigning kings of internet pornography at Pornhub have made the X-rated virtual reality experience easily accessible to all.
That’s right. Through a partnership with VR porn store BaDoink (yep, that’s what they’re called), Pornhub has made 360-degree videos from “The Most Advanced Adult Site in the World” available to every one of their some 14 million monthly viewers.
If you want to see what all of the fuss is about and are not currently at work, in public, around your family, and happen to be on a private Wi-Fi network, you can check out the VR section of the site here.
Happy hunting!