What A Beautiful Girl Wants: Krystina Wolverton

Find out why this bombshell likes to start her day with a little “morning cardio." (That means sex.) 

New York-based model Krystina Wolverton weighs in on men with bad breath, man selfies and ass grabbing.

Threesomes and swingers parties seem all the rage these days. Does monogamy still appeal to you?

There is something very sexy about a man who is committed to just one person. It’s such a special feeling when you know that you’re the only woman your man wants. Always remember: quality over quantity.

You’ve racked up an impressive Instagram following. What should a guy do if he wants to approach a girl on social media?

You need a smooth approach. All of those clichéd lines are just creepy. Try sparking up a conversation about something she has interest in or posts about. I personally haven’t tried it, but I do have friends who have met through social media that are currently very happy together.

So, are you implying a guy should fake having an interest just to impress a girl?

Trying new things and showing interest in things a girl likes is always cute, but being yourself is cuter. Girls love a guy who can just be himself.

We’re working on it. What is a telltale sign that a man is bad news?

I would say a guy who is too into himself or conceited. I could never date a guy who takes more selfies than I do.

Oops, we’re deleting our selfies now. What kind of man turns you on the most?

I love when a man is hardworking and handy. There is nothing sexier than a man who can easily fix my flat tire or change my oil. In other words, he needs to be good with his hands…

When do you feel sexiest?

I feel sexiest right after a shower. There’s just something about that clean scent and lotioned-up body that I love.

We love it too. What can a man do to make you feel sexy?

A nice ass grab always makes a girl feel sexy. But being reminded that you are beautiful when you don’t feel like you are is right after that.

What can a man do to absolutely kill the vibe?

What really kills the vibe is when a man doesn’t take care of his teeth and/or has really bad breath. Gross!

Do you ever wear costumes during sex?

I am mostly a sexy lingerie type of girl.

Lastly, what is your one favorite thing to do in the bedroom?

That’s a tough one. Let’s just say “morning cardio” is my favorite start to the day!

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