New York-based model, actress and Maxim host Marisa Hunter respects the hustle.
How can a man get your attention?
By being confident, yet subtle. Being too aggressive in your approach can definitely be unattractive and a bit creepy.
If a guy does manage to get your attention, how do you let him know you’re interested?
Plenty of eye contact, followed by sexy smirks.
What’s your ideal date?
I think it would be fun to ditch the cliché dinner and movie idea and go kick some ass together at a boxing gym. I like the idea of getting sweaty together…
What about a man turns you on the most?
Confidence and ambition. There’s nothing sexier than a man who has his shit together.
When do you feel the most sexy?
I feel sexy at the gym, in tight workout clothes.
What’s your favorite thing to do in the bedroom?
I like to create a nice ambience for the night – candles and good music.
Any sexy fantasies?
Showing up at my guy’s office in nothing but a coat and lingerie, for a little mid-workday meeting.
What are the advantages of a one night stand?
It’s like tasting the milk before you buy the cow, right? If it’s bad, then you don’t ever have to do it again.
Does the idea of public sex appeal to you?
Out in the open, no! But there is something scandalous about having sex in places you’re not supposed to.