You might think that pornography is only popular among men, and if you do, you’re sorely mistaken. We could cite research that shows many women watch porn, but all you really need to know is that Oprah Winfrey has porn suggestions for women, and if Oprah gives personal recommendations for anything, you’d damn well better be prepared to listen.
With that said, Pornhub has just come forth with some pretty interesting information regarding what kind of porn women are searching for on both a global and national scale. While some of the results might follow suit with what you’d expect, like how lesbian porn appears to be the most popular globally, or that Chinese and Japanese women generally prefer Hentai, other tidbits of information open the door for some all kinds of theories.
For instance, only in four countries — Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Madagascar and Somalia — is the “Big Dick” category most popular. As it turns out, many women aren’t even into watching large men, which is probably slightly comforting for most of you, statistically speaking.
Over on the Western half of the globe, girl-on-girl is by far and away the most searched for. We don’t know exactly what to make of that exactly, but you’re free to postulate all you want.
Taking a closer look at the United States, the study also looked at what category, after “Lesbian,” was most viewed in each state in comparison to women’s preferences across the country. The “Ebony” category is popular among the Southern states, “Bondage” is big in Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and Washington women are randomly into Hentai.
But what’s the greatest thing about all this? You now have a semi-legitimate reason to visit, and it probably won’t get you in trouble with your boss, girlfriend or wife. So there’s that.