Women Seek Out Bearded Men for Long-Term Relationships, New Study Says



It’s officially cuffing season, which means you’re probably going to want to get a girlfriend to keep you warm and happy throughout the long, cold, bleak winter that’s swiftly approaching.

But according to a new study, you’re not going to have much luck landing the lady of your dreams if you’re walking around with a clean-shaven face, because it turns out women aren’t really into the perfectly groomed baby-face look.

Apparently, women totally have the hots for men who have big, downy beards they can snuggle up against and run their hands through, and would much rather date a furry dude who has a rug on his face.

“Hey, girl.”

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Queensland, found that women are super turned on by and attracted to bearded men, and would choose to have a long-term relationship with them instead of someone who has the velvety smooth face of a child.

But no hate if you’re someone who keeps his facial hair neat and tidy. That’s cool too. 

The researchers explain that women see bearded men as more mature, masculine, and socially dominant, which are all traits ladies dig, because those are things that make a man a good father and protector. Women are evolutionarily hot for hunky daddies who can take care of them.

If you just gasped in horror at the thought of women flocking to you to make children with your bearded face, don’t worry. The baby stuff is subconscious. 

And in case you need a little more convincing before letting your beard grow free and wooly, just remember that Instagram sensation Dan Bilzerian has a beautiful, luscious beard, and beautiful, luscious women around him 24/7.

Like I said, women love beards.

That said, put your razor away my friends. It’s time to embrace the furry life. 

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H/T: MensXP

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