The Man With the World’s Biggest Penis Can’t Work Or Have Sex and Doesn’t Care

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera
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Just a few days ago the internet was going bananas over a trick of light which made a young woman look as if she had an astonishingly large dong. That was just an optical illusion. Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, an unassuming 54-year-old man living in Mexico, is the real deal. 

Cabrera is the owner of a nearly 19-inch member. He is essentially a human tripod. A lot of men wonder what it might be like to have such an improbable endowment and in an interview he recently gave to Barcroft TV, he made it clear: it actually sucks. A lot.

As Cabrera relates in the video, he’s virtually a virgin. One woman was too terrified to have sex with him, another found it too painful. He frequently gets urinary tract infections because his pee won’t make it all the way out. The wrappings he wears on his mega-dong aren’t just for modesty before the camera, either—chafing is apparently a big problem. And Cabrera can’t work a normal job. He’s considered disabled and on assistance from the Mexican government.

Doctors have told Cabrera he should get penis reduction surgery so he can have a more normal life but strangely, he’s refused. As a Mexican physician explains in the video, Cabrera’s feeling that his massive member makes him somehow superior is cultural and he doesn’t want to lose the status he feels he has over other men. 

“I am happy with my penis,” says Cabrera, “and I wish to go back to the USA and spend the rest of my life over there.”

That’s not all. Cabrera expresses a wish in the video that might be delusional for a lot of men: “I would like to be a porn star,” he says, “and I think I would make a lot of money” in America. 

We’re not about to argue with the guy. 

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