Pornhub Released a Detailed Report on People’s Porn Habits in 2017
It revealed the most popular kinds of porn AND the most-searched for celebrities.

Taking a few days to evaluate the year that just came to an end, Pornhub just released its fifth annual “Year in Review,” where the site’s intrepid analysts revealed our most notable porn habits, distilled from their analysis of 28.5 billion page views in 2017.
When you do the math, 28.5 billion visits to the site in the past year comes out to an impressive average of 81 million visits per day (holy shit, we LOVE porn), and those millions of porn-lovers performed 50,000 searches on the site per minute, which translates to 800 searches per second. Clearly, with figures as big as those, there was a lot of information to process, and a lot to uncover.
First off, here’s some rough general data about the unfathomable amount of porn that was uploaded and watched in 2017:

Jesus H. Christ. 68 years worth of porn?! Insane. But what’s more insane is the 3,732 Petabytes of data that was streamed, and the fact that it’s enough to fill the storage of every single iPhone in the world. That’s so. much. porn.
Now for more specifics:

As you can see in the infographic above, the top trending search throughout the year, increasing by 1400 percent, was “Porn for Women.” I guess this isn’t too surprising, though, considering the way the feminist movement amplified last year.
“2017 seems to have been the year where women have come forward to express their desires more openly,” says Pornhub’s resident sex therapist Dr. Laurie Betito.
“From the “Me too” movement to prominent females the likes of Hillary Clinton and Nikki Haley on the world stage, women are feeling more empowered and they have found their voice. This is a sign of things to come.”
But as we move further down the list, shit gets weird for a bit, seeing as how “Rick and Morty” was the second top trending search term, and “Fidget Spinner” was third. The reason for this, I do not know.
Now that we’ve covered the top trending searches, let’s see what we’ve been searching for the most:

Surprise, surprise — “Lesbian” was the most searched term worldwide for the third year in a row, because there’s just something really endearing about girl-on-girl action. And when I say endearing, I mean extremely hot.
“Lesbians have been the #1 fantasy of men since the beginning of time,” Betito says. “For the men that aren’t likely to ever have a threesome with lesbians, this is an ideal way for them to live out their fantasy. We can’t ignore women viewers though; for women that have a soft fantasy or curiosity, lesbian porn allows them to explore that part of their sexuality without risk. Of course, for bi or lesbian women, this category is an obvious choice.”

Moving on, we can take pride in knowing that here in the United States, we watch SO MUCH more porn than any other country. I mean, take a look at that graph. That’s wild. But to be fair, the U.S. is a lot bigger than the majority of these countries, but still.
Here are some specific stats about the porn habits in America:

Hmm…I wonder if Kim Kardashian knows she made it on the list of top porn stars. And speaking of Kim, here’s a list of the most searched for celebrities:

Lastly, here are the world’s favorite porn stars:

Well, there you have it. Our porn habits in a nutshell. You can see the rest of the findings on Pornhub, but don’t worry — it’s totally SFW.
H/T: Highsnobiety / Pornhub Insights