3 Models Who Love the Great Outdoors
Get to know this nature-loving trio of rising stars.

Alison Bowles

With over 200,000 Instagram followers, petite model Alison Bowles has made her impression on more than just legions of bikini fans. She’s also stolen the heart of former Atlanta Braves infielder Adeiny Hechavarria and made him her fiancé. A native of St. Louis, Missouri, Alison is the daughter of a teacher and a worship pastor. Alison graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from nearby Lindenwood University.
“My followers mean a lot to me,” she says of her travel blog and social media audience. “They’ve supported my journey from the very beginning. It’s been a bit of a struggle, as a petite model, to climb my way to the top. And they have always encouraged me along the way.”
Alison has visited over 16 countries with her blog wanderinheels.com and works directly with governments, tourism boards, hotels and resorts. She sells her famous Instagram aesthetic with a preset pack on wanderinheels.com so that you can edit phenomenal photos with just a single click. Support comes not just in the form of fire and heart emojis, but also advice on how to succeed as a model when you’re a mere 5’3” package of raw sex appeal.
“Don’t let people in the industry tell you what you can or cannot do,” she says. “There’s always a way. You might have to work a little bit harder, but you can make it happen.” What you may not know is that Alison is a part of the one in five statistic of Americans who have been diagnosed with skin cancer. She also started YOUv Radiance as a charitable organization to educate both men and women on skin cancer prevention and detection methods.
Taylor Ray

A degree from Vidal Sassoon in cosmetology put Taylor Ray behind the makeup chair; but one day she realized she belonged in it. “It wasn’t long before I figured out I was the model,” she tells us. “Being a model, you have to do hair and makeup. So, if someone doesn’t do something the way I want it, I can easily fix it.”
Featured as Sports Illustrated’s “Lovely Lady of the Day,” as well as in FHM Netherlands and now Maxim, Taylor’s work on camera has been directed by best friend and mega-influencer, Lele Pons; her own Instagram followers number over 280,000. “We have the same personality,” Taylor says of Pons. “We’re really loving, caring, silly. It’s so much fun to work with her. She has so much energy and is really playful and she’s a big light.”
When the Texas native isn’t studying acting, she’s an adventurer— skydiving, safaris, and deep-sea diving. That was when she was dating a fellow fitness freak, but she has since moved on. Currently, she’s looking for self-driven men who are adrenaline junkies. She likes them athletic, tall, dark and handsome.
“Someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously and knows how to put their women first.” With gyms closed for so long, Taylor has re-centering her energy. “I’m back on fitness 100 percent. I plan to keep getting bigger, keep modeling, keep acting, keep going.” Taylor has it all to accomplish great things.
Trista Mikail

Swimsuits and lingerie, that’s Trista Mikail’s sweet spot. Swimsuits like the one she wore on the cover of one of Maxim’s international editions, for which she was sent to Tahiti. “My best friend Cheri, we got to do it together,” she recalls of the shoot, ranking it her all-time favorite. “It was so much fun, beautiful weather, it was amazing.”
Just a girl from Boise, Idaho, Trista’s a self-made model—working social media channels, refreshing her Instagram regularly for her 280,000 devoted followers, and fielding job offers. She’s currently single and hopes to meet someone who can make her laugh, someone compassionate.
She adds, “I want people to realize that it’s not all about looks. It’s personality, too…. I want to help girls realize you’re already beautiful. You don’t need these [other] things. Stay true to yourself.” Trista is an inspiration to all other models. She has demonstrated that hard work can pay off. And she makes it look so easy