Arnold Schwarzenegger Wanted to Run For President This Year

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Arnold Schwarzenegger wishes he was running for president this year—but there was one important detail that terminated his potential run. 

“If I’d been born in America, I would’ve run,” he revealed to Adweek. “Because now? This was a very good time to get in the race.”

The Austrian-born Expendables star has been a U.S. citizen since 1983, and served as California governor from 2003 to 2011.

“I didn’t love politics, but I love policy,” he told the magazine on Monday.

It’s no surprise that he’s is no fan of the 2016 campaign. In early October, Schwarzenegger tweeted that he would not vote Republican for the first time in 30 years.

“Like many Americans, I’ve been conflicted by this election — I still haven’t made up my mind about how exactly I will vote next month,” he wrote on Twitter.

“I have been a proud Republican since I moved to America in 1968 and I heard Nixon’s words about getting the government off our backs, free trade, and defending our liberty with a strong military. That day I joined the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan.”

Too bad Ah-nuld can never become commander-in-chief—if only to hear him yell “Get into the choppah!”as he boarded a presidential Marine One helicopter. 

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