Going Bald Won’t Actually Hurt Your Chances With Women, Survey Says
Turns out bald is beautiful after all.

Here’s some good news for balding guys: Holding onto your hair isn’t a must to maintain your sex appeal, according to a new survey published by Online Doctor.
In fact, some women are downright attracted to balding domes. Just Check out these rather-strange looking graphics below for the breakdown:
In a survey of 1,712 people, 798 women and 914 men were asked about their bald-centric dating experiences, and the findings were encouraging for anyone who’s experienced hair loss.
54 percent of women in the United States and 41 percent of women in the United Kingdom think bald men are actually pretty attractive.
The study also found that most of the surveyed women—about 70% of female participants – say that hair loss doesn’t come into play in their dating experiences at all.
This is all great news, as the study also reported that nearly two-thirds of men will experience hair loss by age 35 and nearly 85 percent will have significantly thinner hair by age 50.
As shocking as all this may seem, the study also made a not-so-surprising finding: “Looks” are second to “Personality” when it comes to dating.
Maybe it’s time to ditch the Propecia, and break out the clippers.