Real-Life Superhero Benedict Cumberbatch Saves Man From Muggers in London

“I did it out of, well, I had to, you know?”

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Benedict Cumberbatch, known for playing the superhero Dr. Strange, the detective Sherlock Holmes and for having the most English name in the history of that rainy island, put on his real life cape this weekend and saved a man from muggers in London. 

According to The Sun, the actor was riding in an Uber with his wife Sophie Hunter when he saw a bicycle delivery man getting attacked by a group of four muggers. 

The driver of Cumberbatch’s Uber spoke to The Sun

“I was taking Benedict and his wife to a club — but I didn’t know it was him at first. “I went to turn down into Marylebone High Street and we saw four guys were pushing around a Deliveroo cyclist. “My passenger jumped out, ran over and pulled the men away. They turned towards him and things looked like getting worse, so I joined in.

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Manuel Dias said that the muggers then began to attack to Cumberbatch, but he fended them off. Dias said that the attackers recognized the actor and bolted. 

“Benedict was courageous, brave and selfless. If he hadn’t stepped in the cyclist could have been seriously injured.

“He asked the rider how he was and when he said, ‘I’m OK’ Benedict just hugged him.”

The man who was under attack was later revealed to be making a delivery for Deliveroo, a British version of Seamless. The company thanked Cumberbatch for his bravery in a tweet. 

Asked by The Sun why he intervened in the attack, Cumberbatch only said, “I did it out of, well, I had to, you know?” 
