It’s only human to make mistakes. Like meaning to sext bae something nasty but accidentally sending it to your mother, or getting waaay too drunk at your office Christmas party and making a huge ass of yourself. But some blunders are way worse than others, and someone over at CNN is probably about to get fired for theirs.
Last night at 11pm, viewers tuned in to CNN to watch a brand new episode of Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, but it wasn’t Anthony Bourdain who was on the screen. Oh, no. Instead, people were blessed with 30 minutes of big dicks, sloppy blowjobs, and bleached buttholes. Yup, CNN accidentally broadcast half an hour of porn. Graphic, hardcore porn that you only find in the bowels of PornHub. Good job, CNN.
Luckily, the slipup only affected people in Boston, as CNN broadcasting in the area is provided by local TV provider, RCN. Even so, whoever managed to press the wrong button and send a video signal for porn instead of Anthony Bourdain to all of Boston (!!!!) must feel like a real asshat right now.
Hopefully that person didn’t get yelled at too much this morning. But hey, at least they’re not the first employee in history to make a porn-related blunder to the public. Just last year, a Target in California blasted porn through the intercom, so obviously this kind of shit happens. How? I don’t know. But it happens.