This ‘Czech Barbie’ Spends $1,250 Every Month to Look a Human Doll

Photos: Instagram/@lolotabella

Photos: Instagram/@lolotabella

Some people spend ridiculous amounts of money on plastic surgery to resemble their idols, often to no avail—just ask this David Beckham “lookalike.” 

This “Czech Barbie” is attempting a similar feat by spending her parents’ cash to transform into a human version of the popular Mattel doll, and it worked… we guess.

Gabriela Jirackova of Prague, Czech Republic, began surgically altering her body at just 16 years old with a $4,500 breast augmentation procedure that took her natural C-cup bust to a buxom G-cup. 

“I don’t know if I look more like Barbie, but I feel sexier,” she told the Daily Mail. “I’m definitely happier with bigger breasts.” 

That was only the beginning. Her parents now foot her about $1,250 month for lip fillers, hair extensions and permanent makeup so Jirackova, who is now 18, can continue her quest to become a living, breathing Barbie. 

It’s been no walk in the park, either. 

“I spend three and a half hours every day getting ready. This lifestyle isn’t easy at all,” she said. “Maintaining my image is difficult in all its aspects, financially, physically and mentally too.”

And things are only going to get more challenging, as she plans to get butt implants, rib removals and even bigger boobs. 

Her appearance may seem jarringly fake, but Jirackova insists that there’s nothing real in this world anyway.  

“I don’t believe in a natural look. I think there is hardly anything natural today.”

You do you!

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