Google’s April Fools’ Prank Got People Fired

it was received as a computer that would be great for getting into the hands of as many people as possible

Being fired on April Fools’ Day for unintentionally pulling a prank on your boss sounds like the opposite of fun or funny.

Just hours after Google added a “Mic Drop” button to Gmail—featuring a mic-dropping minion GIF that can be sent to recipients—the company had to retract the feature after multiple hostile complaints on its blog.

Photo Courtesy of CNN 

“Thanks to Mic Drop I just lost my job. I am a writer and had a deadline to meet. I sent my articles to my boss and never heard back from her,” Allan Pashby posted on the blog. “My boss took offense to the Mic Drop animation and assumed that I didn’t reply to her because I thought her input was petty (hence the Mic Drop).”

In a wake of complaints the search giant apologized in a statement which said in part, “Well, it looks like we pranked ourselves this year.”

h/t CNN

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