Here’s Why Being Clean and Tidy Can Improve Your Sex Life
A new study proves that cleanliness is key when it comes to getting lucky.

According to a study from Carbona, a company specializing in stain-removal products, being neat and tidy and cleaning your house more often might have some serious benefits when it comes to your sex life.
In the study, 2,000 Americans were asked to identify themselves as either “super clean,” “moderately clean,” or “messy,” and were then asked a series of lifestyle questions about themselves.
The results revealed that those who identified as super clean were twice as happy with their lives overall compared to their messy counterparts — but that’s not all. It turns out that their cleanliness and subsequent happiness translates to a better sex life, too.
Super clean people reported having 7 to 10 percent more sex than a messy person, and 75 percent were happier with their love lives. Clearly this suggests that when you and your living space neater and cleaner, people want to have sex with you more. It only makes sense.
Think of it this way: Would a self respecting adult want to pass by a filthy kitchen, skip over piles of month-old dirty laundry on the floor, and then have sex on a stained, fart-baked comforter? Probably not. But a clean and tidy house? Absolutely.
Likewise, a 2016 survey from online home decor retailer Wayfair found that most of the top 10 dealbreakers that can happen when you bring a person home are about cleanliness, with the number one dealbreaker being a nasty smelly home and two being a grimy bathroom (a.k.a. one that clearly hasn’t been cleaned in a long time), so go figure.

Back to the Carbona study, overall happiness decreased the messier a person got, and 70 percent of super clean folk said they were satisfied with the level of stress in their lives. It’s possible, though, that the non-super clean folk are messier because they’re stressed, and not the other way around.
See the rest of the stats in the infographic below, and remember that if you want to give your sex life a boost, try cleaning a little more often.