Instagram babes, extortion, and massive amounts of money—it may sound like fiction, but rest assured it’s very real.
This strange news story has captured the attention of media outlets around the world. Instagram-famous sisters named Jyoti and Kiran Matharoo have been arrested on charges of cyber-bullying and extorting Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola.
Otedola, whose net worth of $1.8 billion landed him on Forbes 2016 list of billionaires, was allegedly the duo’s target in a blackmail scheme. The Toronto natives reportedly claimed to have evidence of Otedlola cheating on his wife.
The Toronto Sun reports that in addition to extortion, the sisters have been detained for allegedly cyber bullying Otedola and many others.
“According to a court document dated Dec. 20 and posted to Nigeria Politics, the sisters stand accused of being “responsible” for the website NaijaGistLive and several other social media accounts on Instagram and Twitter used for ‘cyberbullying’ around 274 people, ‘mostly based in various regions of Africa.'”
Combined, the sisters have 50,000 followers on Instagram, and their feeds are chock-full of incredibly indulgent photos of them flaunting their lavish lifestyles.
[ more pics from the Bahamas on ] 👙 | link in the bio
A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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[ @missinchez on the hair & @beachbunnyswimwear ] 💅🏽
A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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[ bad & boujee ] 💁🏻 TOP: @babesandfelines BOTTOM: @beachbunnyswimwear | link in the bio to buy both
A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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[ new post up on the blog, wearing lots of lace & leather ] 😎 | link in the bio
A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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[ i'm probably more worried about losing my tan ] 🌞
A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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A photo posted by J Y O T I M Λ T H Λ R O O (@jyotimatharoo) on
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Always taking selfies @jyotimatharoo 😚
A photo posted by K I R A N M A T H A R O O (@kiran_matharoo) on
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Depending on the outcome of this impending case, their jet-setting ways may soon become a thing of the past. The pair are currently in custody in Lagos, Nigeria.
h/t: Uproxx