President-Elect Biden Jogging To the Podium For Victory Speech Becomes WWE Meme

President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. giving his acceptance speech in Delaware.
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A point of contention for his opponents and pundits regarding former vice president Joe Biden‘s run for president was always his age — Biden turns 78 on November 20. 

As he came out the night of Saturday, November 7th to give his victory speech as president-elect, Biden seemed bent on making sure his audience knew that almost-78 is just old, not dead. The newly-elected Democrat hit the runway up to the podium at a jog and reached the mics with breath to spare. It was immediately meme-worthy, so naturally, it became one.

Twitter took up the burden of ensuring the meme had a load of variations, but the underlying joke was the same: It was an entrance worthy of the WWE.

President Donald Trump has yet to concede the election and is not legally required to announce it if he does, but Biden’s and veep-elect Kamala Harris’s reps have already made it clear that their teams are hitting the ground running in preparation for the transition of power. 

Even if Biden wasn’t your candidate — and over 70 million people voted for his opponent — it was a pretty impressive way for a man nearing 80 to let people know that his health, which President Trump turned into an issue on the campaign trail, is probably fine.

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