Presented by DN News Desk
The office can be a strange place. In theory, it’s a place where we focus, work, and achieve. However, all too often, the office can become a place where socializing, gossiping, skiving, and petty workplace politics takes precedence. In such an environment, productivity suffers, and true potential is handicapped.
Justin Kimbrough owns a trucking company and a social media advertising agency, and entrepreneur Matthias Aumann is a consultant and business coach. Both are young and successful, and both have an instinctive understanding that an office with a productive work culture is integral to their businesses’ longevity and plans for future expansion.
“An office should be a fun place, but it should also be a place of discipline. It’s all about finding that sweet spot,” explained Aumann. “It’s something of a balancing act, but if you can manage to foster a harmonious and productive work culture at your office, then it’s a foundation from which you can build mighty things.”
As someone with his hands in many pies, Kimbrough also appreciates the value of an office where everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet and productivity is at a premium. “An office is the beating heart of any organization,” he said. “It’s where the day-to-day running of a business takes place. The nature of the business doesn’t matter, but the culture of the office sure does. If it’s a negative one, it’ll suck the vitality and efficiency right out of what you’re trying to achieve.”
Of course, the million-dollar question is: how does one develop a productive work culture at their office? For Aumann, the answer is simple.
“My golden rules include setting and promoting certain goals and standards that I expect everyone to abide by,” he explained.
“I believe in diversity and inclusivity, and although I love my employees to have a sense of humor, I also believe in prioritizing respect and having a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying or laziness in any shape or form.”
Kimbrough agrees wholeheartedly with Aumann on this. He added, “All of Matthias’s points are extremely valid, and the only thing I would add, and I know he’s on board with this because his organization promotes it, is that it’s extremely important to create an employee recognition program and to listen to their feedback. Good employees create good offices, and that’s the bottom line.”
Here’s hoping these expert insights from Matthias Aumann and Justin Kimbrough help you establish a productive work culture at your office.