Lena Dunham Faces Internet Outrage After Returning Beloved Rescue Dog to Shelter
She’s calling it a “micro-scandal.”

Taking care of shelter dogs can be tough. They sometimes come with issues carried from abuse or neglect. But you’d figure a celebrity like Lena Dunham would have the resources to make it work if she cared enough about the pooch, right? Apparently not.
Dunham has been taking a ton of heat on social media since she made public her decision to send her pup Lamby to a facility called The Zen Dog, which specializes in helping dogs that have “behavioral issues.”
Lamby became famous after Dunham published a New Yorker essay about adopting him in which she claimed the dog didn’t get along with her boyfriend Jack Antonoff, had been abused, and in three homes before she adopted him.
The New Yorker piece was written in 2013, and in the ensuing years Lamby became a star himself, appearing all over Dunham’s social media, in magazine shoots, and on his own dedicated Instagram account.
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Then Dunham announced she’d committed him to a doggie psych hospital, basically. In an Instagram post, the Girls creator wrote that “after four years of challenging behavior and aggression that could not be treated with training or medication or consistent loving dog ownership,” Lamby had been taken to “an amazing professional facility in Los Angeles.”
She went on to remind readers of the dog’s past “terrible abuse” and said “having him in a typical home environment [was] dangerous to him and others.”
The problem—the reason so many are heavily criticizing Dunham—is the Brooklyn Animal Rescue Coalition (BARC, get it?) where Dunham originally acquired Lamby issued a statement to Yahoo which contradicts her story. Spokesman Robert Vasquez said that they had “checked the records for Lamby. He was ‘owner surrendered, not enough time,’ so we do not know where she got ‘multiple owners that abused the dog.”
“When she adopted the dog from us, it wasn’t crazy,” Vasquez told Yahoo, “I have pictures of the dog loving on Lena and her mom, which is weird if the dog was abused. It wouldn’t be cuddling with her or be in the bed with her ‘boyfriend’ in the pages of Vogue.”
If you’re reading that and thinking Vasquez was doing a pretty thorough job of owning Dunham, well, he was just winding up. “It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty,” he concluded at the end of his statement, “when she took Lamby to every green room with her when ‘Girls’ was still a thing 4 years ago.”
Ouch. Social media has been tough on Dunham too.
Twitter doesn't give me enough room to rant about this story of Lena Dunham giving away her dog for sketchy reasons. https://t.co/zaZsVfYa2c
— Lisa De Pasquale (@LisaDeP) July 6, 2017
That’s just a tiny sampling of the pretty thorough reaming Dunham’s been receiving.
For her part, Dunham has hit back at the BARC statement with the Instagram post below.
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The saga of Lamby isn’t close to over, yet, especially not with sites like Deadspin chewing it over like Lamby once allegedly chewed on Lena Dunham’s ass.
The only upside is so far it’s the most entertaining thing Dunham has been a part of in years.
h/t Page Six