Innumerable women have sought out lip injections for the plump lips of Angelina Jolie.
But scores of lip-conscious dudes are doing the same, seeking out “men-jections” from plastic surgeons so they can get the “macho mouth” of a Hollywood star like Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt.
Dr. Rian Maercks, who created the “macho mouth” procedure, broke it down for Page Six in the video above. He gives men a prominent lower lip for a pout that makes the ladies swoon.
“The lower lip in men has just become a symbol of pride and power, even,” says Dr. Maercks as he revamps a thin-lipped dude’s face.
“I feel like I look like Channing Tatum!” says his patient Mike after his “macho mouth” procedure. He undeniably looks a bit better, but sadly still not much like Channing Tatum.
We definitely think the Kendall Jenner “designer nipple” procedure is more effective.