Potheads will tell you that smoking some grade A weed can actually cure everything from anxiety to acute inflammation. Some of those surprising health benefits may be wishful thinking, but a legitimate study published on nature.com has found promising evidence that marijuana could really help recovering drug and alcohol addicts.
Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego studied the “‘anti-relapse’ potential” of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis.
When a daily dose of CBD was administered to cocaine and alcohol-addicted rats, they became less likely to relapse.
Even more promising is that the subjects were less likely to seek drugs over a period of five months, long after their week-long CBD treatment ended.
According to the abstract, “the results provide proof of principle supporting potential of CBD in relapse prevention.”
Soon, you might be able to get perpetually-stoned roommate to put down the hash pipe by giving them a compound found in marijuana.
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Now that’s a mind-fuck.