Millennials are Having Way Less Sex Than Ever Before, Study Finds
The number of men under 30 who aren’t having sex has nearly tripled in the past 10 years. Experts blame living at home longer, social media, video games and more.

Data from the General Social Survey revealed that the number of adults under the age of 30 who aren’t having sex hit an all-time high in 2018 — despite the sheer number of dating apps that make it ridiculously easy to find someone to sleep with.
The data – which was analyzed by the Washington Post — revealed that an average of 23 percent of Millennials aged 18 to 30 (almost 1 in 4) said they haven’t had sex in the past year, and what’s more is that the number of men under 30 who reported not having sex rose from 10 percent in 2008 to 28 percent in 2018, meaning it nearly tripled.
Women are doing a little better than their male counterparts in that department and only 18 percent of females within the same age range reported abstaining in 2018, relative to eight percent in 2008.
Stunning chart: the share of men under 30 who aren't having sex has nearly tripled in the past decade
— Christopher Ingraham🦗 (@_cingraham) March 29, 2019
Male virginity is also on the rise, with the number of men under 30 who have had no female partners skyrocketing from eight percent in 2008 to 27 percent in 2018.
Final datapoint: the share of young men reporting no female sex partners since they turned 18 — a rough a proxy for virginity — more than tripled since 2008. I say rough proxy bc 1) some had sex in their teens and 2) some exclusively have male partners.
— Christopher Ingraham🦗 (@_cingraham) March 29, 2019
“There are more people in their twenties who don’t have a live-in partner,” San Diego State University psychology professor Jean Twenge told the Washington Post. “So under those circumstances, I think less sex is going to happen.”
She also explains that more and more millennials are choosing to live at home, which is also a big reason why they aren’t knocking boots.
“When you’re living at home it’s probably harder to bring sexual partners into your bedroom.” Hmm…yeah.
Plus, there are “more things to do at 10 o’clock at night than there were 20 years ago,” she says, adding how technology and cell phones are to blame.
“Streaming video, social media, console games, everything else.”
Put down those phones and step away from the gaming consoles, fellas.