New Zealand Accents Are Officially the ‘Sexiest’ in the World, Says New Survey
See the entire list of the world’s 50 sexiest accents here. Which is your favorite?

A couple of years ago the Irish claimed the crown as having the sexiest accent in the world. Well, don’t tell the proud sons and daughters of that beautiful island, but their counterparts in New Zealand have quietly taken the sexy accent crown for 2019–at least according to Big 7 Travel’s “Top Sexiest Accents of the World” survey.
Not that we want to jump into the debate, but our March/April cover model Georgia Fowler was born in New Zealand, and then for a noted example of that sexy accent you can listen to any time there’s sly and sultry songstress Lorde, who was born in Auckland.
From the Standard (U.K.), here’s additional info on how Big 7 Travel made this determination:
International travel website Big 7 Travel gave its 1.5 million users a month to vote for their favourite accents, revealing the list of the top 50 countries on Monday.
“The “Newzild” dialect is outrageously charming. The sexiest accent in the world? It’s official,” the company wrote on its top place announcement.
The Kiwis were followed closely by South Africa, Ireland, Italy and Australia respectively, while Scotland hit the top spot for Britain – coming in at sixth place for its “rich sounds and harsh vowels”.
Okay, with over a million votes that feels like a pretty conclusive result.
Big 7 published a list of 50 all together. Here they are, ranked in reverse order:
50. Croatian
49. Romanian
48. Thai
47. Pakistani
46. German
45. Welsh
44. New York
43. Chinese
42. Japanese
41. Geordie (Newcastle, England)
40. Latvian
39. Malaysian
38. Austrian
37. Norwegian
36. Egyptian
35. Swiss
34. Russian
33. Greek
32. Scouse (Liverpool, England)
31. Dutch
29. Nigerian
28. Boston (U.S.)
27. Polish
26. Indian
25. Vietnamese
24. Mexican
23. Turkish
22. Arabic
21. Filipino
20. Zimbabwean
19. Argentine
18. Mancunian (Manchester, U.K.)
17. Jamaican
16. Danish
15. Ukrainian
14. Hungarian
13. Canadian
12. Queen’s English
11. Czech
10. Brazilian Portuguese
9. South—USA
8. Spanish
7. French
6. Scottish
5. Australian
4. Italian
3. Irish
2. South African
1. New Zealand (Kiwi)
Some other interesting aspects of the list: In the United States the Southern accent was considered by far the sexiest, ranking 9th worldwide. Next sexiest region was Boston at 28 and New York was down at 44th on the list.
The least sexy accent of the list was Croatian. Spang in the middle at 25? Vietnamese.
New Zealand probably won’t publicize this honor in travel ads, but it’s still good enough to brag about in a bar while visiting another country.
Except Ireland. Probably a bad idea there.