Cuddly Piglets Rescued From Fire Served as Sausages to Firefighters Who Saved Them


A farmer from Wiltshire, England, was overcome with gratitude when local firefighters rescued her 18 piglets and two sows from a barn fire. 

So she did the sensible thing: She had the rescued swine made into sausages and then delivered them to the Pewsey fire team as a thank you.


The Internet has raised a collective eyebrow at the move, and even PETA has gotten involved: they’ll be delivering vegan sausages to the fire department in protest.

Still, farm manager Rachel Rivers defended her “present.”

“I gave those animals the best quality of life I could ever give until the time they go to slaughter and they go into the food chain,” she told the BBC.

“You do feel sad at the end of it… but to bring them down for [the firefighters] was a good way of saying ‘thank you’.”

On their part, the firefighters said the sausages tasted “fantastic,” and they even held a barbecue to grill up the piglets they had valiently saved.

That said, if they had just waited out the fire, they could have just had a pig roast.

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