How Entrepreneur Robert Croak Built a Pandemic-Era Business with ‘Sanitizer Bracelets’
The sleek bracelets have a refillable cavity for hand sanitizer solution.

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In the ever-changing landscape of business, one thing remains: the beloved entrepreneurial pursuit, or American dream, continues to guide many young professionals as they embark on lofty career endeavors. But for serial entrepreneur Robert Croak, his pursuit for success blew up overnight in 2009 when his Sillybandz business hit it big. Despite having gone after various other businesses throughout his career prior to Sillybandz, nothing ever amounted to the success he would see with the fun silicone bracelets that had kids completely crazed at the turn of the decade.
Though the viral phenomenon of the rubber band-like bracelets has since calmed down in the last 10 years, in recent months, Sillybandz have seen a surge in popularity once again thanks to a growing TikTok revival. As they seem to be making an organic comeback once again, a whole new generation of kids are now discovering the fun, novelty bracelets. Today, while many often think of Sillybandz when they hear Croak’s name, the veteran entrepreneur has been working on a new innovation. With a delicate ode to his original bracelet success, Croak has developed a bracelet fit for a pandemic-afflicted world.
Over the last six months, the entrepreneur created Sanitizer Bracelets™. This year, while no one could have predicted that 2020’s hottest commodities would be items like toilet paper, masks, and hand sanitizer, Croak saw the trends early and jumped at the opportunity to create a functional product that would serve the needs of Americans everywhere.
As a “germaphobe” himself, Croak was inspired to invent a product that would ease his nerves by giving him an added level of reassurance and protection while being forced to face the potential spread of coronavirus in any public space. By way of a wearable silicone bracelet, Croak came up with Sanitizer Bracelets™, a sleek bracelet that was designed with a refillable cavity for hand sanitizer solution.
These days while hand sanitizer dispensers are now seen at practically every storefront’s entrance and often at every retail checkout stand, questions have now been raised about various types of sanitizer and its authenticity. With Sanitizer Bracelets™, you eliminate the need to use public sanitizers by carrying your favorite sanitizer solution, and one that you trust, right on your wrist.
Despite the fact that much of the country has emerged from strict quarantine mandates and settled into reopening phases, for some, remembering to sanitize frequently has proven difficult. With Sanitizer Bracelets™, not only do you have quick and easy access to having germ-free hands, but you also have a constant reminder to continue to sanitize often.
Though these bracelets are undeniably a new commodity made for the times, Croak’s mission as an entrepreneur remains the same. As he revels in the journey of finding his next venture, Croak loves the challenge of predicting new trends by creating products that serve the everyday needs of consumers everywhere. And though Sanitizer Bracelets™ may seem like a trend fit for coronavirus times, preventing the spread of germs will never go out of style.
For more information on Sanitizer Bracelets™, visit the official website.