Ronald McDonald is the Latest Casualty of Creepy Clown Hysteria
Turns out nobody wants fries with that.

The weird wave of evil clown sightings sweeping America has added a famous mascot to its casualty list. Ronald McDonald, long the face of the McDonald’s global fast food franchise, has been forced into hiding.
The Associated Press reports the mega chain has asked Ronald to keep “a low profile” due to what’s truly a pretty dangerous environment for any entertainer who slaps on the floppy shoes and white pancake makeup.
In a statement quoted by the AP, McDonald’s indicated a desire to be “thoughtful in respect to Ronald McDonald’s participation in community events.”
The company feels that the “climate around clown sightings in communities” is enough to have Ronald head to clown town or some circle of hell or wherever he goes when he’s off-duty for some rest and relaxation, according to the AP report. Further details about any future appearances once the heat is off were not made available.
It seems clear that Stephen King’s cautious words on the subject have been ignored. We can only hope the crazed clown menace has taken its final fright-wigged scalp.
h/t AP/Yahoo