The Stem Cell Chronicles: How Heidi Liddell Overcame Chronic Pain With SCT
The wife and manager of UFC legend Chuck Liddell saw incredible benefits from stem cell therapy.

Presented by BioXcellerator
We recently shined a light on stem cell therapy (SCT) and it’s great potential with wellness, health, recovery and at-times lifechanging treatments. Our focus centered on the esteemed BioXcellerator clinic in Medellín, Colombia, and how their treatments can extend longevity, boost immunity and enhance overall quality of life while reducing the impact of aging.
To further this message, we’re speaking with real-life patients of BioXcellerator who have taken their treatments and experienced first-hand the efficacy of this promising future medicine.
First up we had Dr. Beau Hightower, Chiropractic Physician to professional athletes, UFC fighters and pro wrestlers, and then the tragic story of Dustin Bunch, a firefighter who broke his neck and used BioXcellerator’s SCT as part of his miraculous treatment to overcome paralysis. We’ve also heard from normal folks who suffered from debilitating chronic back pain, and who used SCT to regain normal lives.
This week we hear from Heidi Liddell, proud wife and manager to UFC Hall of Famer Chuck Liddell. She had torn labrums in both shoulders from training, and fractured her tail-bone snowboarding so badly that even sitting down was excruciating. Tired of living with the constant pain Heidi decided to try SCT to take back her life with a pain-free existence. This is her story.
*None of the BioXcellerator patients were paid for these Testimonials. Rather each one volunteered to share their stories because of their positive results, and their desire to spread knowledge of SCT and the regenerative effects it could have for others.
How did you hear about BioXcellerator, and was it personally recommended?
At the time I heard of BioXcellerator I had already been looking for the best way to use stem cells for recovery and regeneration. Chuck had been going through a deep depression where he was no longer working out, kind of seemed hopeless about life and was no longer functioning like a healthy human being. I had to force him to go see a doctor and get MRIs, and we found out that he had some major injuries that were causing him pain and were the reason for his poor quality of life.
I knew I needed to find a solution. Then I met Mike Alexander from BioXcellerator — I asked him a lot about the technology and the type of stem cells, and from the research and information I compiled at that point it was very clear to me that BioXcellerator had the most cutting-edge stem cell technology and we needed to go try it.
Had you heard of Stem Cell Therapy before hearing about BioXcellerator?
The first time I heard about stem cell therapy was from Dana White, president of the UFC. He was struggling with a very debilitating disease called Meniere’s disease and had numerous surgeries to fix it, but nothing helped. So he went to Germany to a stem cell clinic and after treatment he was cured completely, and he was able to go back to living his normal life. After speaking with Mike Alexander from BioXcellerator I realized that his company had the most cutting edge technology.
They were extremely detailed in their care, and they would be providing us a very special red carpet medical spa-like experience. Even though BioXcellerator was doing business out of Colombia it is an American-owned and operated company. I was concerned about the location but all my concerns were all addressed and appeased.
My husband Chuck had already tried adipose (fat) stem cells and we knew that they worked — the relief was immediate but the longevity of the relief was short-lived. It was only a few months. But I knew that there was more and better technology out there and BioXcellerator had it, so I knew we had to fly out there and try it ASAP.
After learning about the regeneration ability of stem cells I decided I also needed to try it on my shoulders — because I had torn my labrum in both shoulders and fractured my tail bone in a high-speed snowboarding accident. I couldn’t even sit down at the time and was in tremendous pain.
When did you notice the level of professionalism and care of BioXcellerator?
From the moment we landed in Colombia! We had overpacked for the trip because I took all three of my kids — and of course we had probably 2 bags each — so they picked us up in a shuttle and took us back to the hotel and took care of us from start to finish. Like starting that next morning we had someone meet us in the lobby where they explained to us what to expect; we had full detailed plans on our schedule and what to expect moving forward for every step of the trip and every hour of the day. They also had a representative plan out our entire Wellness vacation for us — from the tourist attractions to different tours to you name it, they set up everything.
When my husband and I were busy getting treatments or talking to people I had one of the representatives taking my kids — who were 4 and 6 at the time, along with my teenager — and entertaining them at the indoor rollercoaster amusement park. It was right next to the hospital and couldn’t have been more convenient. The Rep was showing my kids around, taking care of them like as if they were their own, and wanting to make sure they were entertained AND HAVING FUN while we were also being given the red carpet experience.
What did you think of Colombia? Were you concerned about anything, and how did it all go?
I thought Medellín in Colombia was incredible. We did a helicopter tour of Guatapé and we also climbed the mountain to get to the top of Guatapé; we took quite a few tours and we loved it. We really loved the people because they’re so welcoming, they’re so friendly and they have that kind of like my house is yours type mentality where they’re just very friendly — they want to help, they want to kinda invite you right away, and you know I just got a very warm feeling from the people of Colombia.
We went to some parties while we were there, we went to some clubs, we went to some bars, we did some shopping, we ate at some vegan spots, we ate at some fine dining spots — everything we did was exciting, everything was new. And it was all positive; it exceeded all my expectations on every level. At no point was I ever concerned for my safety or the safety of my kids.
I didn’t have any issues with speaking the language. Anything we did we typically had someone from BioXcellerator with us if we needed a translator, but lucky enough for us my daughter and I both speak and understand Spanish so we were able to manage. And if we ever weren’t able to manage we had a Rep with us that was gladly helping us.
What were the most powerful effects you felt after your treatments?
The most powerful effect that I felt after my treatments personally was I had an insane amount of energy. And actually after getting some cells my immune system felt like it had superpowers — no matter what I couldn’t get sick anymore! A week later I took a trip to Vietnam with my three kids and everywhere we went my 18-year-old daughter and I were being told we looked like sisters.
I had gotten stem cells in my face while I was there along with stem cells in both of my shoulders, and I got the I.V. stem cells. I felt the best I’ve felt in a long time; it was like I had drank from the Fountain of Youth. It was incredible how many people immediately noticed that I looked refreshed, well rested and a lot younger.
The following months after my shoulders both began to get stronger and more stable I started playing tennis, and now today I play tennis every morning five days a week at least once a day. My shoulders are stronger and more stable than ever. Immediately following that set of stem cells my tailbone injury was healed and the pain was completely gone — and I no longer had to deal with the uncomfortable pain of trying to sit down.
The results were unbelievable. I have been recommending to all of my friends and neighbors since then to go to BioXcellerator in Colombia for any of the issues that stem cells can fix — and just for overall health and wellness in general.
For more information, visit BioXcellerator online and follow BioXcellerator on YouTube and Instagram.