The Stem Cell Chronicles: How SCT Helped This Mom’s Amazing Recovery From a Horrific Car Crash
“Prior to the treatment I lived in agony for months. My pain level was at an 8 every single day. Two days after my procedure I was literally down to zero pain.”

Presented by BioXcellerator
We recently shined a light on stem cell therapy (SCT) and it’s great potential with wellness, health, recovery and at-times lifechanging treatments. Our focus centered on the esteemed BioXcellerator clinic in Medellín, Colombia, and how their treatments can extend longevity, boost immunity and enhance overall quality of life while reducing the impact of aging.
To further this message, we’re speaking with real-life patients of BioXcellerator who have taken their treatments and experienced first-hand the efficacy of this promising future medicine.
First up we had Dr. Beau Hightower, Chiropractic Physician to professional athletes, UFC fighters and pro wrestlers, and then the tragic story of Dustin Bunch, a firefighter who broke his neck and used BioXcellerator’s SCT as part of his miraculous treatment to overcome paralysis. We’ve also heard from normal folks who suffered from debilitating chronic back pain, and who used SCT to regain normal lives.
This week we hear from Marvella Stewart, a loving and dedicated mom who survived a horrific car accident in 2019 and experienced lingering complications. Marvella received a CTE/Concussion-based treatment from BioXcellerator including Systemic IV Rejuvenation and Facial Rejuvenation in order to treat her post-concussion symptoms like brain fog, headaches, fatigue and light sensitivity. This is her story.
How did you hear about BioXcellerator?
My husband first sought treatment with BioXcellerator in 2018. He had done an extensive amount of research on stem cell treatments and felt BioXcellerator was a great fit. Because it was in Colombia, I was apprehensive about him seeking treatment in another country. Particularly, one that had been plagued with such violence.
How did you make the decision to go from simply mulling it over to pressing the trigger to fly to Colombia?
After seeing the benefits it gave my husband I decided to give it try. However I was still on the fence due to the amount of pain I was in; I couldn’t register how seeking this treatment would alleviate the pain, especially when I had sought out the best specialist in the area. Therefore I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I was optimistic.
Please share a personal moment where you realized the professionalism of BioXcellerator, how they go the next level to care for you while in their clinic.
From the moment my family and I were picked up from the airport we were treated with such care and professionalism. Our concierge made us feel welcome and full of excitement for the journey we were about to embark on. Every staff member was caring and professional — something you don’t see in The States anymore. That feeling made me feel calm and my level of optimism increased.
Within five minutes of meeting Dr. Espana, he knew exactly what was wrong with me just by reading my body language. I was astonished that someone finally saw what I had been saying all along. In that moment I felt relieved. I almost didn’t care if the treatment worked or not, I just knew I was in good hands.
Through the treatment process every nurse was nurturing and caring. When you’re in this position you’re vulnerable, it takes a huge weight off knowing you’re receiving such good care. Not only from a medical standpoint, but from a human standpoint. By far I received the best medical care at BioXcellerator than anywhere else.
What did you think of Colombia in general? Were you concerned about anything, and how did it all go?
Colombia has been plagued as a violent country, however the experiences were far from that. It was odd and yet refreshing to see how Colombians interacted with one another. No one yelled, was rude, or inconvenienced in any way when you needed something.
Every waiter, hostess, and/or staff member were so professional, kind and wanted you to have an enjoyable experience. If they forgot to give you a napkin, they apologized a million times. Their level of professionalism was impeccable. Everyone was so caring of one another and treated each other with respect. It was a beautiful thing to see.
While we were there, my family and I visited a town outside of the city via helicopter. Staff awaited our arrival to take us to the near-by town, which was known as one of the most colorful cities in the world. My children enjoyed going to the little shops, seeing the architecture, culture, and the town’s beautiful history. It was the perfect way to end the trip.
Please share with me the most powerful effect you felt after your treatments.
Prior to the treatment I lived in agony for months. My pain level was at an 8 every single day. To keep it from escalating to a 10, I had to isolate myself, and remove myself from everything and everyone. My brain was in a constant fog. It was difficult to have conversations. If I knew you, I couldn’t remember your name or simple words for that matter. I would get lost while driving or forget where I was. I was so sensitive to light, noise and everything around me. The overstimulation would cause my brain to instantly inflame.
The only way I could get it to stop was by knocking myself out with sleep aids so that my brain didn’t have to process information. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, it was a really difficult time. Every day I would get out of bed hoping it was going to be a better day — I was a shell of the person I used to be. Not being able to be who I was to my family was even more unbearable.
Because of this I think one can understand why I was on the fence and didn’t want to get my hopes up. The morning of my procedure I was calm and collected and put my best foot forward. I chose to believe in health, love, and happiness.
Two days after my procedure I was literally down to zero pain. My brain was no longer foggy. It was clear and able to interpret information. I didn’t have to wear sunglasses or ear plugs. I could conversate and hug my family without any pain. I couldn’t even believe it was real. Today, two years later, I have continued to improve and have a new lease on life. I can’t even remember the last time I felt this good. I’m still astonished. I owe everything to BioXcellerator.
*None of the BioXcellerator patients were paid for these Testimonials. Rather each one volunteered to share their stories because of their positive results, and their desire to spread knowledge of SCT and the regenerative effects it could have for others.
For more information, visit BioXcellerator online and follow BioXcellerator on YouTube and Instagram.