Ted Cruz Liked A NSFW Porn Scene on Twitter, and The Internet Had a Freakin’ Field Day
His excuse is priceless…

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, when most people were sleeping and definitely not browsing porn accounts on Twitter, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz liked a porn tweet.
And just to clarify, this is the same Ted Cruz who tried to ban the sale of sex toys in his home state.
The tweet was from an account named @SexuallPosts, and contained a very NSFW “mommy porn” video.
The socially conservative Republican promptly un-liked the tweet when people realized he was lurking on porn accounts, and his spokeswoman, Catherine Frazier, tweeted: “the offensive tweet posted on @tedcruz account earlier has been removed by staff and reported to Twitter.”
Cruz addressed the tweet, and blamed it on a silly staffer who fumbled with his phone or something and hit the “like” button. You know, the kind of wacky mishap that happens all the time.
“There are a number of people on the team who have access on the account. It appears that someone inadvertently hit the like button. When we discovered the post, which was I guess an hour or two later, we pulled it down,” he said.
“It was a staffing issue. And it was inadvertent, it was a mistake. It was not a deliberate act. We’re dealing with internally, but it was a mistake. It was not malicious.”
Regardless, he’s totally being called out for it, and some of the reactions are pretty priceless.
I wake up and the entire internet has set aside all differences to laugh at Ted Cruz
— Tylenol Terror: High Council Gentleman (@Iceblade202) September 12, 2017
somewhere in texas mcmansion, ted cruz is sleeping, blissfully unaware of the maelstrom of horror that awaits him in the morning
— america's lounge singer (@KrangTNelson) September 12, 2017