A TV Crew Got Caught Trying to Smuggle a Fake Bomb Through Airport Security

Fake bomb airport
Left: Getty Images

Left: Getty Images

Eight cable television crew members were arrested on Thursday after they, for some reason, tried to sneak a fake bomb through a security checkpoint at Newark Liberty International Airport. 

TSA spokesperson Lisa Farberstein stated that officials found “an item in a carry-on bag that had all of the makings of an improvised explosive device.” Members of the crew were reportedly filming the encounter. 

“The preliminary investigation indicates that all were in collaboration and claimed to be working for a television network,” Farbstein wrote in a news release. “The group did not make it past the checkpoint because TSA officers detected the item, which was concealed in a roller bag.” 

It’s a bomb! 

A source told nj.com that the apprehended individuals are employed by Endemol Shine Group, a Dutch production company that contracts CNBC.

They will likely be charged with creating a false public alarm, conspiracy and interference with transportation, and could face civil penalties of up to $13,000 for each violation. 

Hopefully the television segment gets made, because we really need to know if it’s OK to bring fake bombs on airplanes. 

h/t: Fox News

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