The University of Utah Installed a ‘Cry Closet’ for Stressed-Out Students During Finals Week
This is getting ridiculous.

Ah, college. That wonderful place where we whiled away the hours chugging beer at the frat house, playing ultimate frisbee on the quad, and… crying in a closet at the library?
That’s what today’s students are doing—at the University of Utah, at least.
The “cry closet” is a pop-up room in the middle of the campus library that’s filled with stuffed animals for students who need some time to escape the stresses of collegiate life.
so my school installed a cry closet in the library LMFAOOOOOOOOO what is higher education
— j (@wwwjacksdotcom) April 24, 2018
The closet was actually built by student Nemo Miller as an art project. The Daily Utah Chronicle has the details:
Titled “A Safe Space for Stressed Out Students,” otherwise known as “The Cry Closet,” Miller’s work will go up on the first floor of the Marriott Library just in time for the finals week chaos. Miller is a graduating senior at the University of Utah’s ceramics program. While most of her art is made of clay, this piece is a little different.
“I am providing a space for students who are studying during finals week to go take a five to ten-minute break in a nice cushy … soft environment away from all the harsh lights of the library,” Miller said.
The project is essentially a small independently-standing closet. Inside, the walls are padded and lined with soft fabric. The floor is covered with piles of comforting stuffed animals. The door has two soft lights which can be turned on and off to adjust to each student’s individual comfort.
Wow. To think, we just made a wooden birdhouse in art class!
If you need a good cry during finals, @MarriottLibrary has you covered. #cryclosetuofu
— Jana Cunningham (@JanaCunningham) April 25, 2018
Like any self-respecting safe space, the cry closet has rules:
1. Knock before entering
2. Only one person in the closet at a time
3. Limit your time in the closet to no more than 10 minutes
4. Turn lights and timer off before leaving
5. Use #cryclosetuofu if posting on social media
Got all that? Now, we’re off to de-stress in the cry closet in our office.
Oh, wait…