Utah May Declare Watching Porn a “Public Health Emergency”
Find out why.

As Flint, Michigan has been in the grips of a toxic water crisis, our media has completely overlooked another public health emergency—this time, in Utah.
No, it’s not the outbreak of a new incurable disease with an indecipherable name or the contamination of a vital water source. It’s something more sinister: porn.
We’ve been pretty supportive of the porn industry. In fact, we were recently on the frontlines of the annual Adult Video News Expo (AVN) in Vegas to keep you abreast of your favorite porn flicks and starlets. But let’s just try to see things from the Utahan perspective.
Senator Todd Weiler filed a resolution on Friday declaring that mass porn viewing is causing a “public health crisis.” According to the Independent, his resolution doesn’t point to tennis elbow but “the hypersexualization of teenagers, prostitution and other problems.” It is also supposedly “linked to lessening desire in young men to marry, dissatisfaction in marriage, and infidelity.”
Utah actually has some of the highest rates of porn consumption in the United States, where we already watch a ton of porn. Covenant Eyes reports that 70 percent of men and 76 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 30 watch porn at least once a month.
Senator Weiler thinks a stern government hand could curb this “state of emergency”: “Legislature and the Governor [must] recognize the need for education, prevention, research, and policy change at the community and societal level in order to address the pornography epidemic.”
Also, watching porn is naughty, and your mother would be ashamed.