Wealth Coach Derek Moneyberg On Why Sacrifice Is the Key to Success
“If you want the options, abundance and luxury lifestyle that those in the top 1% enjoy, you must do the things that 99% of people would be too lazy or too discouraged to do.”

Presented by Prestige Productions
Globe-traveling wealth coach Derek Moneyberg opens up about success, sacrifice, and how to build the lifestyle you desire in a new interview.
“Money equals freedom,” says Moneyberg.
“Money buys you the freedom to travel where you want, do what you want, and to do it with who you want. If you don’t value that, I don’t understand you, I don’t want to understand you.”
Most people can envision their dream lifestyle rather easily. They close their eyes and dream up a future filled with independence, travel, exciting adventures, and a bank account big enough to finance their freedom.
But virtually no one has the will power to SACRIFICE the time and energy required to build up enough wealth to realize that vision. Moneyberg helps his ambitious clients build wealth and secure their freedom.
According to Derek, if you want more time for travel, fun, play and leisure, SACRIFICE IS THE FIRST STEP.
Sacrifice is a concept woven deep into the fabric of every course that Moneyberg creates to help his clients. They all feature 10-15 hours of required assignments per week, weekly accountability calls, and an extensive amount of reading.
“Yes, my clients will sacrifice significant time during my courses, but that’s the price you must pay for your success. No one gets rich at their leisure, and you should run away from any coach selling you that idea,” says Moneyberg.
If you’ve seen any of Moneyberg’s content on Instagram or YouTube, you know that his coaching isn’t for the faint of heart. His delivery is raw, unfiltered and rather hostile to laziness. He does this intentionally, he knows he must cut through his clients’ excuses and attack the root cause of their failures.
What causes their failure? Often, it is an unwillingness to sacrifice.
Throughout his premier courses, Moneyberg attacks the problem, hammering his clients with a barrage of pragmatic tools to help them hack their own psychology:
Habitual goal setting procedures
Mental frameworks founded on LONG-TERM thinking and steady progress
Cognitive bias identification tools
Delusion eradication mechanisms
Weekend-long self reflection exercises
Blindspot-eliminating, collaborative team workshops
Effective evaluation tools for optimal decision making
Strategies for communicating value and negotiating for their maximum wage
His three pillar Moneyberg programs are designed to reset a client’s mindset and approach to building wealth over time, and to instill DEEP LEVEL competence in the course’s subject of focus (entrepreneurship, investing in global markets, or real estate investing).
Upon graduation from a Moneyberg course, a client will have acquired mastery-level competence in the financial area of study, resulting in a monster leap forward in their confidence.
In an internet landscape where thousands of unqualified social media influencers are peddling a “making money is easy” narrative, Moneyberg’s message cuts through.
“Building your wealth is likely going to be a grind for years, but in the end you will win if you put in the work, you have expert guidance, and you have the accountability mechanisms in place to ensure you keep pushing.”
“Expect to lose a lot,” Moneyberg tells each client he coaches. “Expect long hours, years of frustration, crippling setbacks, broken systems, and struggle.”
All those losses are the metaphorical goat you must slaughter as your sacrificial offering to the gods of wealth. May they bestow upon you the lifestyle you want.
Yes, along the way you will doubt yourself, but if you can’t find the will to believe in yourself, why would anyone else ever believe in you?
After all, other serious and successful people want to work with those who are focused and disciplined, not those who lack confidence, drive or ambition.
“If you want the options, abundance and luxury lifestyle that those in the top 1% enjoy, you must do the things that 99% of people would be too lazy or too discouraged to do,” Moneyberg says.
“If you are unwilling, or unable to seek out and surround yourself with the best mentors and friends to help guide you along your path, you will struggle, you will take wrong turns, you will hit dead ends, and you will waste your life away caged by your inability to make more money.”
The moral of this Moneyberg tale? Sacrifice now, live the lifestyle later.