David ‘ECom Dave’ Scheuer On Achieving Your Dreams
David Scheuer, better known as Ecom Dave, is a Miami-based eCommerce specialist and founder of The AMZ Academy.

Presented by Luke Lintz
Many people wrongly assume success depends on a person’s skills and knowledge. They indeed play a part as the more knowledgeable the mind and skilled the person is, the easier for them to successfully finish tasks and achieve their goals.
However, David Scheuer explains that all “famed keys to success” – learning, developing good habits, taking smart risks, prioritizing goals, using tried-and-tested strategies, etc. – are worthless if the person lacks the most important trait of them all—persistence.
“It’s easy to set the sight on turning your dreams into reality, but acting on it takes a lot of strength, willpower, and persistence,” he says. “Things won’t go your way most of the time, and it’s always easier to give up than to push through obstacles and challenges.”
David Scheuer, better known as Ecom Dave, is a Miami-based eCommerce specialist and founder of The AMZ Academy. With a long list of successes, this thriving entrepreneur became a self-made millionaire at the age of 30 after he found his life’s calling in the dropshipping industry. And besides his young age, it’s even more impressive that he achieved such success as a first-generation immigrant.
As a first-generation immigrant, you are expected to start helping your family back home as soon as possible. And Dave was everything but “the black sheep” and took his role so seriously that he began to take odd jobs here and there when he was 16.
“I moved to the US when I was 11. And when you are an immigrant, you are born with nothing, and you had to move with the hope you will have a better future,” says Ecom Dave. “But when settling in a new country, you must provide and send money back home. I didn’t mind because family is sacred to me. Moreover, it pushed me to make more and achieve more, so I could take care of my family and do the things I want to do.”
When Dave first came to the States, he lived and was schooled in Seattle. But the mountains and evergreen forests weren’t Dave’s cup of tea. The hot-blooded Latino spirit inside him longed for something more exciting. The only place that ticked all the boxes was Miami.
From the very first day, he became enamored with the Magic City and its incredible nightlife, amazing beaches, and distinctive culture. And Dave thought there was no better way to explore all those features than through bartending the clubs.
“Bartending was my dream job. I made a killing for a 20-year-old kid, and I got to meet incredible people,” says Dave. ” But I worked six days a week, until six in the morning, every day, every week. And I realized bartending could not cut it for long … living that lifestyle for long kills you.”
And day after day, Dave was lying in his bed (he worked nights after all), trying to devise a long-term solution and make his worries disappear. He wanted a safe way to start a business that he could grow while working as a bartender, and Gary Vee provided him with a path.
Dave stumbled upon the Belarusian-American entrepreneur’s video, where Gary explained the basics and benefits of dropshipping. The more he watched, the more he liked the idea, and after a couple of sleepless days, Dave rolled up his sleeves and dived into it. Over four years, Ecom Dave went from zero to a multi-million dropshipping operation and even founded a dropshipping coaching agency, The AMZ Academy.
As Ecom Dave explains, there were a lot of ups and downs, and every day was a challenge in itself. He had no knowledge and skills relevant to the industry he found himself in, but he was persistent and willing to learn. And now he speaks from his experience as a business coach that many people who make their first steps in dropshipping often quit after the first failure.
“You can’t create money from thin air. He says you need to work for it and pay with your blood and sweat.” For example, we teach people how to build that perfect first bundle and give them access to a graphic designer.” But life can be funny and cruel simultaneously as it provides no guarantee, and Dave adds that nobody can guarantee the first time will be a 100% success.
“Impatience is the only reason people don’t achieve their dreams. They just give up because they think that that’s as far as they’re going to grow; they either fail or don’t earn as much money as expected. But even though it sounds insane, trying and failing at that one thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome each time you do, is how you reach success.”