Go ‘Back to the Future’ with a Brand-New DeLorean of Your Very Own
Flux capacitor not included.

The revived DeLorean Motor Co. is grinding through the endless tedious details that need attention as it moves closer to building brand-new editions of the gull winged DMC-12 made famous by Back To The Future.
They are close enough to actually building cars that the company wants to take orders for the production run that is scheduled to start in 2017, but because some obstacles remain, they are instead accepting “Pre-Order Interest Applications” on the company web site.

The form asks for details about you, the prospective buyer, and your history as a DeLorean owner of the original Belfast-made cars. The company provides no details on whether the purchase process will be first-come, first-served, but it looks a lot like the kind of vetting that Ford employed in selecting buyers for its new GT.

While Ford has announced plans to extend the GT’s limited production to satisfy some of the demand for that car, it is not clear how demand will compare with DeLorean’s planned production rate of one new car per month for the first year and one per week thereafter.

The questionnaire could also steer the specifications of the new edition of the stainless steel beauty, as would-be owners are asked whether they would prefer a manual or automatic transmission and to provide comments.

DeLorean’s blog explains that the company is in discussions with prospective engine suppliers, so the car’s power and even engine type and manufacturer have yet to be determined.

At the same time government agencies such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board have to finalize their regulations applying to cars like the DeLorean, which will be built under the auspices of the low-volume vehicle manufacturing law that went into effect last December.

“In light of everything discussed in this update, we are still a few months away from setting a price for the car as we finalize the bill of materials and standard/optional feature list,” DeLorean’s blog update explains.
We can look for concrete progress on the development of a new DMC-12 when DeLorean rolls out its first all-new chassis in November. Once details such as the supplier for the engine and interior components, we will start to see brand-new 1981 DeLoreans emerge from the factory.

Getting a factory-fresh DeLorean will truly let buyers indulge in time travel back to the early ’80s without even having to hit 88 miles per hour.