Around Labor Day in the United States, most people choose an intimate way to salute summer’s end: a maudlin BBQ with friends, folding and packing summer whites, drinking the dregs from the stockpile of Mount Gay.
Middle-East millionaires, however, hail summer’s last days with a gold-plated, V12-powered, leather-lined farewell. In what’s become something like a tradition, well-heeled sports-car owners bring chromed-out Bentleys, matte-finish Ferraris and even a couple of Mercedes’ 6X6G63AMG leviathans to London’s congested city center to exhibit and mingle.
The congestion is welcomed: proud owners cruise at low-speeds, with exhausts crackling, while lucky kids and adults get to ogle some of the world’s choicest machinery at an arm’s length.
Photos by Frank Doran / Rex USA